New Year. New Health Goals.
With every year and the promise of a fresh start, we make resolutions. The top five New Year’s resolutions for last year, according to Statista, are: getting more exercise, losing weight, saving more money, improving my diet, and pursuing a career ambition.
So many of our resolutions are based on our health. Our providers recognize that every year we should be proactive about our health – this means getting preventive screenings and scheduling annual physicals with a healthcare provider.
We also admit that this has not been a typical year or two. With a pandemic continuing to be a concern for many people, many patients have put their preventative care on the back burner.
As Dr. Sankaran, one of our trusted pediatricians, relayed in an article in June of 2021, being stuck in the house more often has taken its toll on our motivation and our health. Let’s make 2022 the year we return to regular screenings and physicals.
New Year. New Health Goals. Let us help you make those resolutions of eating better and being healthier a reality. Schedule an appointment today.