NorthShore’s comprehensive prenatal care ensures a strong start for families. Our team of specialists offers guidance and resources through each trimester and beyond, promoting healthy development, education, and support for both parents and babies. From prenatal education to postpartum support, we're here to foster a positive pregnancy experience and lay a foundation for healthy family growth.
NorthShore’s comprehensive prenatal care ensures a strong start for families. Our team of specialists offers guidance and resources through each trimester and beyond, promoting healthy development, education, and support for both parents and babies. From prenatal education to postpartum support, we're here to foster a positive pregnancy experience and lay a foundation for healthy family growth.
In addition to our board-certified Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Midwives, and Pediatricians, NorthShore has a team of experienced Labor and Delivery Nurses and Family Support Specialists on staff to provide education and support throughout the mother’s pregnancy and during the baby’s early years to help build a strong family foundation from the start.
Ultimately, we want you to have a positive pregnancy outcome! The goal of this additional support is to provide pregnant women with the educational foundation they need during their pregnancy by promoting early intervention and in turn reducing preterm deliveries, low birth weight infants and infant deaths. After birth, the goal is to provide parents/guardians with assistance in learning how to best care for their own family through education on health/wellness, breastfeeding, child development, nutrition, safety, parenting and access to services that address the families’ unmet social services and medical needs.
Prenatal Care
Throughout your pregnancy a Prenatal Nurse will meet with you to provide education on each trimester and will be available to you to answer any questions you may have.
Topics covered during the 1st Trimester
Fetal Development
Importance of Water Intake
Reasons to Call Your Provider
Topics covered during 2nd Trimester
Fetal Development
Preterm Labor
Topics covered during 3rd Trimester
Fetal Development
Kick Counts
Labor and Delivery
Newborn Care
Postpartum Depression
Safe Sleep/SIDS Prevention
Topics covered Postpartum
Baby’s First Pediatric Exam
Baby Proofing
Breastfeeding/Breast Milk Storage
Formula Safe Use
Postpartum Exam
Resources provided as needed: Baby items, food assistance, housing assistance, Healthy Families, Healthy Start, maternity items, nutritional programs, pregnancy dental care, transportation, WIC (Women, Infant, Child), 3D/4D ultrasound, hospital education classes, lactation program, pregnancy back brace, car seat program and safe sleep program
After delivery and postpartum care, families who have chosen a NorthShore pediatrician can continue education and support services with a Family Support Specialist up through the youngest child’s 2nd birthday.