3D/4D Ultrasound

At NorthShore Health Centers, our 3D/4D Ultrasound Experience captures your baby's first moments in extraordinary detail, providing a cherished memory. Witness your baby’s movement and features in stunning 4D motion, offering an unforgettable glimpse of the joy to come. Our comprehensive session includes personalized images, a DVD movie, and a souvenir to cherish, creating a remarkable bonding experience for the whole family.


3D/4D Ultrasound

At NorthShore Health Centers, our 3D/4D Ultrasound Experience captures your baby's first moments in extraordinary detail, providing a cherished memory. Witness your baby’s movement and features in stunning 4D motion, offering an unforgettable glimpse of the joy to come. Our comprehensive session includes personalized images, a DVD movie, and a souvenir to cherish, creating a remarkable bonding experience for the whole family.


3D/4D Ultrasound

NorthShore Health Centers believes that seeing your baby in the womb should be an unforgettable experience – a time of bonding, captured by more than just static and lines. Your first baby pictures should create a lifetime memory. Will he or she have mommy’s chin? Are those daddy’s cheeks? These are questions that may now be answered by new 3D/4D ultrasound technology, available at NorthShore Health Centers.

The picture shown is just one of many shots you might see during your Personal 3D/4D Ultrasound Experience. Imagine what your baby might do as you watch his or her movement in amazing 4D motion – a glimpse of your “bundle of joy” to come!

When it comes to your baby, don’t settle for anything but the best. At NorthShore Health Centers, we strive to make your Personal 3D/4D Ultrasound Experience a time to remember. Whether you have been referred to us by family, friends, your OB/GYN, or another means of advertisement, you can rest assured that you have come to the right place.

A Personal 3D/4D Ultrasound Experience Includes:

  • 1 hour Personal 3D/4D Ultrasound Session
  • 2 color 4×6 pictures
  • 4 black and white (5.8 x 4.1) images
  • 4D DVD movie of session
  • CD with 3D ultrasound pictures
  • Gender determination upon request
  • Additional family members (varies by location) may attend to enjoy the experience
  • Listen to baby’s heartbeat and take home a souvenir stuffed animal of your choice with a recording of your baby’s heartbeat.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a 3D/4D ultrasound?

3D ultrasounds use sound waves at a pitch much higher than what you or your baby can hear (think of a dog whistle). These sound waves echo back to the ultrasound machine. The 3D ultrasound machine sends these waves at different angles, analyzes the echoes and forms a 3D image. The 4D portion of the ultrasound is a movie clip of your baby in 3D, where the fourth dimension is time. You can see your baby in 3D moving over time, and this movie is saved as a short video clip.

Is getting an elective (non-diagnostic) ultrasound safe for my baby?

In 35 years of widespread, almost universal use of ultrasounds, there has not been a single known case of a miscarriage or abnormality attributed to the use of ultrasounds. Its safety profile has been proven decade over decade. Women undergoing in vitro fertilization have to receive an obstetric ultrasound every week, and even in these cases, there has been no report of any harm or risk to the baby or mother.

When is the best time to get a 3D/4D ultrasound?

In our experience, the best time to get the clearest images on 3D ultrasound is between 24 and 30 weeks, with week 26-28 being ideal. After 30 weeks, the baby may have already begun his or her descent to the outside world.

How can I get good images of my baby on my 3D ultrasound?

On the day of the ultrasound have breakfast or lunch. Then, if you are not diabetic, drink something with sugar in it just before you come in for the ultrasound. The bladder does not have to be full for the exam.

How much does it cost and what forms of payment do you accept?

Because the 3D/4D Ultrasound is an elective, non-diagnostic procedure, you are required to pay by cash, credit card or with our gift certificate at the time of your appointment. The cost is $120 for a one hour session and $145 for twins.

Can I get a Diagnostic 2D Ultrasound when I get the elective 3D/4D Ultrasound?

For an additional charge, if you have a Provider’s order, the 2D diagnostic ultrasound can be completed during your 3D/4D Ultrasound session. When you call to schedule your 3D/4D Ultrasound appointment, inform the scheduler that you have an order for a 2D diagnostic ultrasound and would like to schedule at the same time. You can discuss with your provider any other preparation steps necessary to complete the 2D diagnostic ultrasound.

Will my insurance cover the additional charges for the 2D Ultrasound?

NorthShore Health Centers can file a claim through your insurance provider. If the diagnostic test is not covered, you are responsible for the charges using NorthShore’s sliding fee schedule.

Do you have gift certificates available?

Yes, a gift certificate for NorthShore’s 3D/4D Ultrasound Experience makes the perfect gift for a baby shower and gender reveal party for your friend or family member.

Meet Our Providers

OB/GYN, Women's Health
OB/GYN, Women's Health
OB/GYN, Women's Health
OB/GYN, Women's Health
OB/GYN, Women's Health
OB/GYN, Women's Health