Sarah is a Family Practice Nurse Practitioner at NorthShore Health Centers. She joined NorthShore after completing her DNP at Valparaiso University.
Sarah is recently married, and her and her husband have two very rambunctious boxers named Maggie and Diesel. Some of her hobbies include reading, shopping, camping, and cooking. Sarah also enjoys spending quality time with her husband in the garage and watching him drag race.
""Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia"

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Valparaiso University
Valparaiso, IN
Medical Education
Doctor of Nursing Practice Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN
Board Certification
American Nurses Credentialing Center